Monday, March 15, 2010

Is the news dead?

With the creation and innovations of technology these days, and especially the internet, many people wonder if traditional news is dead. I don't think the news is dead, but people just have to modify the way they gather it. If anything, the news is more alive than ever, and different social media technologies just give you more access to news. And even with these new medias, traditional news outlets like newspapers still have their own benefits.

One thing about older forms of news that give it an advantage, as Sam Pollack said, is the credibility. When a person wants to know the truth, they can count on a newspaper to be a reputable source. If there ever is a wrong fact printed in a paper, like the New York Times incident, the repercussions are very severe. With the internet, there are almost an unlimited amount of rumors published everyday, on both news websites and social networks like Facebook and Twitter. This problem was discussed my Mark Little in his video, when he talked about filtering being a major part of internet news gathering.

In conclusion, I do not believe the news is dead, it's just getting a makeover from new media technologies. Eventually, I hope someone develops an easy way to filter the garbage on the internet so it can have the credibility of a traditional news source, like The Daily Star. By merging the values of traditional news with the convenience and up-to-date access of new media technologies, I believe the news will be more alive than ever.

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