Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Facebook's social plug-ins are now on over 100,00 websites. This is pretty incredible when you consider the problems with privacy that the social networking site has been having recently. According to the article, some of the sites that have adopted these plug-ins are recieving big gains in traffic. This reinforces what we have been discussing in class all year: social networking is becoming more dominant than broadcast networking. In other words, the mass public is more powerful when it comes to knowledge than the experts who can talk on a TV show or broadcast. Facebook's path to "web domination" seems to be on track, especially with the traffic numbers websites are generating because of the new plug-ins.

The other article dealt with how Twitter could replace the mainstream meadia when it comes to opinion polls. Researchers looked at the sentiments expressed in one billion tweets and filtered them according to the economy and politics. This is huge when it comes to information gathering from the masses. Twitter will eventaully be a huge resource when it comes to political elections and campaigning. One can only imagine what the future of information flow will be with advancements and innovations happening everyday on sites like Facebook and Twitter.

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